Policy :: TypeSign
El objeto Policy debe incluir obligatoriamente un valor de TypeSign, tipo de firma a utilizar. Internamente la plataforma lo gestiona como un enumerado con distintos valores incluidos a continuación:
Valor | Explicación |
ENVELOPING | Firma enveloping; de acuerdo al estándar: An enveloping signature is the signature applied over the content found within an Object element of the signature itself. The object or its content is identified through a Reference element by way of a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) fragment identifier or transform. |
ENVELOPED | Firma enveloped: An enveloped signature is the signature applied over the XML content that contains the signature as an element. The Signature element is excluded from the calculation of the signature value. |
DETACHED | Firma detached, sin incluir el binario del original: A detached signature is the signature applied over the content external to the Signature element, and it can be identified by way of a URI or a transform. The signed XML resource can be present within the same document as the Signature element, or it can be external to the XML document. |
ATTACHED | Solo para CMS, inclusión del contenido en el documento |
En la mayor parte de las firmas PAdES, más habituales, se utilizará el valor "ENVELOPED".
En el caso de la firma por protocolo, en el JSON enviado al servidor, el campo "signatureType" asociado a la "signaturePolicy" de cada fichero, toma uno de estos valores como String; por ejemplo:
"signaturePolicy": {
"signatureFormat": "PAdES_BES",
"signatureType": "ATTACHED",
"parameters": {
"DIGITAL_SIGN_STAMPER_TEXT": "Documento firmado",
"DIGITAL_SIGN_RECTANGLE": "{'x':10,'y':10,'height':540,'width':75}"
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